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#StopAsianHate: Supporting Our Asian American Colleagues and Friends


While unfortunately not new, the frequency and intensity of anti-Asian racism is rapidly escalating. We must come together and take action, because silence only serves to perpetuate this racist behavior. 

The violent hate crimes against Asian Americans require us to learn, speak up and do our part. To our Asian American colleagues and friends, we are so sorry for the pain, anger and shock you are experiencing. We stand with you as one family. At Zeno, we have zero tolerance for racism and discrimination of any kind. We remain committed to Zeno being a place where every single person feels safe, feels heard and feels valued for who they are and the life experiences they bring. Together with Asian-cy, Zeno’s ERG for Asian employees, we will work hard and with intention to support the Asian community during this time of need, and beyond. #zenoforeveryone runs deep and always will.  #stopasianhate

An Important Message From CEO Barby K. Siegel

Dear Colleagues, 

It is another sad day in America. 

Last night, eight people were killed in Atlanta, six of them women of Asian descent. No doubt, we all woke up this morning with heavy hearts – thinking about the families whose lives have been forever shattered, and our Asian American colleagues here at Zeno who are quietly processing and deeply grieving. 

Consider that according to Stop AAPI Hate, there were nearly 3,800 self-reported cases of anti-Asian bias between March 19 last year and February 28, 2021. And, Anti-Asian hate crimes reported to police in America’s largest cities jumped nearly 150% in 2020, according to the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University.

To our Asian American colleagues and on behalf of your Zeno family, I am so sorry for the pain, anger and shock you are experiencing. You are in our thoughts and prayers, our hearts and our minds. We stand by you as one family. We remain committed to Zeno being a place where every single person feels safe, feels heard and feels valued for who they are and the life experiences they bring. 

 #zenoforeveryone runs deep and always will.

We are now embarking on planning a series of agency-wide actions and initiatives to elevate our understanding of the Asian American community and do our part to be a source of support, inside and outside of Zeno. To start, we will be bringing in an outside speaker to help educate us on Asian American racism and discrimination, and shed important light on the role we can play to be part of the change that’s needed.

For now, I ask each of you to be an ally to members of the Asian American community here at Zeno and elsewhere. The below are some simple, meaningful ways to show your support:

Be Available: Create an inclusive space where your colleagues, team members and friends feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Be Present & Listen: Whether it’s through discussion with colleagues or information heard on the news, educate yourself so you can be an informed advocate. Here is an article from today’s NY Times reporting the number of hate crimes against the Asian American community this past year.

Show Up: Actively participate in any way you can to show your support and take action.

Speak Up: Let your voice of support be heard. If you see something, say something and report it.

In closing, we know these are difficult days. Please take the time you need away from Zeno to be with your thoughts, your family and your community. As I have said before, if you need help please talk to a colleague, your manager, your local MD, or HR. We also have available an EAP Hotline for a confidential discussion with local ComPsych counselors. Note, this is a benefit that’s available to Zeno employees and household family members. To access the EAP Hotline, go to

Sending love, light and  a virtual hug to all,


